Lonely Londoner opens cafe at home to make friends, hundreds want to join | United Kingdom | News
Since announcing the cafe’s opening on TikTok, sharing her journey and struggles to make new friends, Sharma has been overwhelmed with positive responses. She received over 500 messages from other lonely TikTokers asking to attend her next coffee meetup.
“When I moved to London, I didn’t know anyone and had difficulty making friends. I wanted to meet like-minded people, so I decided to organize a coffee morning and promote it on TikTok,” said Ananya.
“To my great surprise, my coffee at home video exploded! »
Although Sharma feels alone, she is not alone. New research from Breville shows that many Brits also struggle with loneliness, with 66% of people feeling lonely in their everyday lives. More than one in three people (35%) find that chatting over coffee is the best way to chat, while half (49%) would be willing to attend a coffee meeting to meet new people.
After spotting Ananya’s videos, the Breville team gifted her a new Breville Barista Signature espresso machine to help her continue her journey.
Ananya’s home cafe now serves a variety of espresso-based coffees, from flat whites to spiced lattes, as well as its freshly baked pastries and cookies.
“It made me want to continue welcoming people for coffee and it really made me feel at home in London.” I’m thrilled that Breville has helped keep my coffee shop alive and given me the confidence to become a barista at home.
One of her guests, Shruti Haldankar, 28, who also moved to London from India, was one of the first people to come into contact with Ananya and has been frequenting her cafe ever since. Morning.
“I connected with Ananya after seeing her TikTok about making new friends in London, as I didn’t know anyone either and was all alone. We hit it off immediately and now we are basically sisters,” Shruti said.
“The first times we met was over coffee, and for people like us who like to socialize without necessarily consuming alcohol, it’s the perfect way to meet like-minded people. Ananya’s cafe became a source for me to make other friends in this new city, and now I feel like London is my home.
Shruti joins many Brits who are turning to alcohol-free ways to enjoy the company of others, with almost one in three (27%) preferring a coffee to chat over an alcoholic drink, as sober socializing continues to gain popularity, especially among People. -Zers.
Gus Bailey, Breville spokesperson, said: “Ananya’s story truly demonstrates the power of a good cup of coffee and the connections it can facilitate, and we are proud to help her continue this journey . »
“Home coffee setups are on the rise and our Breville Barista Signature espresso machine is leading the charge.
“Quality and connection are our key drivers, and like 81% of Brits, we think the quality of the coffee served while hosting is important. The Breville Signature Barista Espresso Machine creates perfection every time and allows people to serve café-quality coffee without leaving home.