UK News

Only those with hawk eyes will be able to spot Santa in less than 30 seconds | United Kingdom | News

As Christmas Day approaches, a new festive puzzle leaves even the sharpest of eyes perplexed as they attempt to locate the six hidden Santas.

The puzzle, created and shared by Northernerchallenges readers to spot the six Santas hidden in the Christmas scene – a task that proves difficult for even the most experienced puzzle enthusiast.

Puzzles offer a fun way to exercise your brain, improve your problem-solving skills, and even spark friendly competition among friends or colleagues.

According to the creators, the average time it takes to find all six Santas is 1 minute and 28 seconds.

Are you still struggling? Don’t worry, you can find the solution to the puzzle below!

A jigsaw puzzle is a type of puzzle that requires critical thinking to solve, serving as a great tool to keep your brain occupied.

These riddles often require creative, logical, or lateral thinking rather than direct answers.

Puzzles can take a variety of forms, including word puzzles, math challenges, visual puzzles, or riddles, all designed to stimulate your brain to find solutions that aren’t immediately apparent.

Let us know how you experienced the Santa puzzle in the comments below!

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Ritesh Kumar is an experienced digital marketing specialist. He started blogging since 2012 and since then he has worked in lots of seo and digital marketing field.

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